
First, I’m not going to pretend like I am a journalist; you surely are aware of the situation in Haiti. But what I will do is ask you to give if you can…

Especially we black people! If you didn’t know, Haiti was the second nation in the Western Hemisphere to successfully seize control from European power (the U.S. being the first). However, this revolution was special when compared to the others. The Haitian revolutionaries were the slaves of the French colonists… Yes. These were black people, who rose against the out-numbered planters to secure their own free country…  This is the first free black country not in Africa. The story of Haiti always makes me feel good inside, it’s proof that we as a people can come together and do something major.

Toussaint L'Oveture the leader of the Haitain Revolution. The Country's first Head of State. And the wearer of a really sweet hat.

I feel more history classes in high school should spend time on the Haitian Revolution. It would be an awesome interest grabber in Black students; I mean, seeing the black people be the winner could be an incredible confidence booster for African American students. Black kids NEED good Black History, but that is another post in itself, but I digress.

Today, Haiti is one of the poorest nations in the world. Has one of the highest crime rates in the world, and has a disturbingly unstable and corrupt government.  The European nations promptly ignored Haiti as a nation and refused to deal with it commercially (and we know that the white people had all the money). Furthermore, the Planters left, leaving mostly uneducated slaves to make do and govern themselves, things have rarely been good in Haiti since 1804.

These are our Black brothers and sisters. They are also part of the African Diaspora, they too have been treated unfairly and suffer from the fallout of a sad past. This is why we should give. Haiti is important to not only Black History, but to world history… We shouldn’t have let it fall this far into disrepair. Haiti needed our help before the earthquake, and it’s a shame that 100,000 people have to die for us to notice a disaster. That’s what Haiti’s socioeconomic situation was— a disaster.

With this said, things like this make me completely sick… Pat Robertson should really watch his racist mouth. In the video below… I’m not going to even explain… Just watch.

Really, sir? I don’t know what book you got that out of, but— fuck it, burn that shit! To state, as a man of God, that an entire country’s worth of people sell there souls to Satan in order to free themselves from those who were to enslaving them, is ludicrous. He sounded really crazy there, and it kind of made me angry. If this would’ve happened to Ireland it would’ve been the most horrible thing ever, and an act of the Devil… But if the island is full of black folks, it’s the Devil just torturing their souls as his compensation for delivering them from bondage… What the hell ever.

Well, I suppose the purpose of this post is compounded… 1) if you can, give to Haiti, because Pat Robertson and the 700 Club may not.. 2) People are still racist, so don’t be surprised.

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